Friday, 30 November 2007

Oh I' over the moon this morning, another lie in. that is 2 in a row, 6.30 yesterday and 7am today as opposed to 5 and 5.30 starts that we have been having recently. If anyone knows us personally they will know that we have been getting a puppy. Must be mad but we have had him a week, he is 11 weeks old now.

If I was broody for another baby I'm certainly not any more. Sleep deprivation doesn't sit well with me any more, too old. Had years of it when Ben my eldest was a baby and small child and working nights for a lot of years. Over the last year we have been able to stay in bed till 7am until last week, where I made the wise / unwise decision to get a puppy for Lily. She of course is well impressed and happy about the new addition to the family.

Patch is his name, Jack Russell cross with Springer Spaniel, He cried all night the first couple of nights but has been gradually getting better and now settling down. Some times I feel like a stuck record when talking to him, but some people would say that would be a normal state of affairs for me , now feels like I have 1 child and 1 dog to teach how to listen, can be exsasperating on occasions, but in my opinion both are adorable and have fun with each other. T

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